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 Birth Package
  • 5-6 antenatal visits (aprox 2h each):

           - we'll talk about your wishes and concerns and the ways I can support you and your partner

           - debrief previous births if necessary

           - develop your birthing preferences and create your birth plan

           - discuss practical details during labour and birth

           - clarify the role of your partner(s)

           - look for solutions to challenges during pregnancy including optimal positioning of your baby

           - practise birthing positions

           - help you to understand your options prior to any possible medical interventions and consider ways of

             communication between you and the medical professionals

           - breastfeeding preparation


  • Unlimited phone/email consultations continually throughout pregnancy and postpartum

  • 24 hour on-call availability from 2 weeks prior your due date untill you are settled with your newborn baby

  • Undivided and unobtrusive presence and support during birth (which can last an hour or three days)

  • 1 postpartum visit - this will be an opportunity to debrief about the birth, and discuss any questions or concerns you may have about the baby or yourself in the immediate postnatal period, such as feeding or sleeping issues, or healing from the birth.  If you would like me to support you further postnatally, please have a look at my Postnatal Doula Package below.

  • Ongoing support as needed and referral service.


"It was incredibly helpful to have Bara's support during my labour. Her calm and reassuring presence made all the difference during my difficult early labour stage. I wouldn't have coped so well without her! From our first meeting it was very apparent how passionate Bara is about pregnancy, birth and babies, and how generous she is. I couldn't imagine anyone being more suited to being a doula".

Martina, North London

Birth Doula 


As a Birth doula, I provide emotional, practical (non-medical) and informational support for mothers and their partners during pregnancy, childbirth and the early days of parenthood. I believe every woman is capable of a positive birthing experience and my role is to offer my nurturing support to ensure that you are given the best opportunity to have a beautiful birth.


Hiring a doula can significantly influence birth outcomes in a positive way such as shorter labour, fewer complications, fewer interventions and Caesareans, less requests for pain relieveing medications and epidurals, mothers' greater satisfaction with their birth experience, less postpartum depression, more positive assesments of babies, babies breastfeed more easily.


For me there is no right or wrong way to give birth and I will support every woman and her partner in whatever way and enviroment they choose.

I offer a free initial consultation in-person as an opportunity to see whether we connect and can work together, with no obligation to hire me. During this consultation we will discuss your birth vision, how you would like me to support you, my philosophy and some practicalities. To set up our meeting please contact me.

"Thank you for being with us through the difficult days of labour, your support was invaluable!

Your dedication and your presence are absolutely wonderful". 


My fee for Birth Doula Package is £1300

For combined Birth & Postnatal Doula Packages fees or prices including my additional services please contact me to enquire.


See my additional services - Pregnancy & Postnatal Massage ~ Placenta Remedies Mother's Blessing 


For more information and & combined services packages please contact me



Beautiful Birth © 2024


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